Apps to measure average blood pressure: Track your cardiovascular health in a practical and accurate way

In modern times, technology has not only made our daily lives easier but also plays a crucial role in our well-being and health. Mean blood pressure is one of those vital aspects of health that can now be monitored through our mobile devices. Thanks to a host of innovative apps, the days of visiting clinics for regular average blood pressure checks may be numbered.

Our smartphone, in addition to connecting us with the world, can also become an important ally in managing our health. Blood pressure measurement applications were developed to be practical, accurate and easy to use, turning our cell phone into a personal health tool. And it’s not just your cell phone that can have this feature; devices like the Samsung Galaxy Watch and Apple Watch also offer this capability.

Imagine being able to check your blood pressure anywhere, anytime. This is the future that health apps are giving us. Whether you are a patient with blood pressure issues or simply concerned about your health, these apps can be essential. So why not learn more about how these apps work and how they can fit into your lifestyle?

How to measure mean blood pressure

Measuring mean arterial pressure is a relatively simple process that can be performed using traditional or technological methods. Below you will find a basic walkthrough for each of them.

Traditional Method: Sphygmomanometer

  1. Make sure you are rested and sitting comfortably. Arm position should be at heart level;
  2. Wrap the sphygmomanometer cuff around your upper arm, ensuring it is snug but not too tight;
  3. Use the stethoscope to listen for blood flow while inflating the cuff until the flow stops;
  4. Slowly begin to release the air from the cuff. The first sound you hear will be the systolic pressure. Keep releasing air until the sound stops – this is the diastolic pressure;
  5. Mean arterial pressure is then calculated using the formula: MAP = Diastolic Pressure + 1/3 (Systolic Pressure – Diastolic Pressure).

Technological Method: Smartphone Applications and Smartwatches

  1. Download a reliable blood pressure measurement app on your smartphone or smartwatch;
  2. Follow the app’s instructions. They usually ask you to place your finger on your device’s camera or pulse sensor;
  3. Keep relaxed and still during the measurement;
  4. The app will show your systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings as well as the average.

Apps to measure average blood pressure on smartphone

1 – Blood Pressure: Control of health and high blood pressure

Blood Pressure: Health Tracker & High Blood Pressure is an effective and easy-to-use health tool that helps you monitor and record your blood pressure readings. Perfect for those who need to closely monitor their blood pressure for health reasons or just to keep a preventive check.

The app also provides visual charts to make it easy to see your readings over time. And if you need to share this information with your doctor, the app allows you to email a full report.

2 – Bpresso

Bpresso is another valuable app for those who want to keep a close eye on their blood pressure. It offers a user-friendly and intuitive environment that makes recording your blood pressure readings a simple and efficient process.

One of the great benefits of Bpresso is that not only does it allow you to record your blood pressure readings, it also gives you the ability to monitor other important aspects of your health. You can log your weight, glucose, pulse and even your mood, giving you a comprehensive picture of your overall well-being.

3 – Blood Pressure Monitor

“Blood Pressure Monitor” app is a complete solution for blood pressure monitoring on your mobile device. With a user-friendly interface and comprehensive features, this app makes managing your blood pressure an easy and affordable task.

A distinct feature of this app is its ability to correlate your blood pressure readings with local weather conditions. This can be helpful for individuals whose blood pressure is influenced by the weather. It also provides detailed graphs and statistics to help you visualize your blood pressure trends over time.

4 – iCare

The iCare app is an all-in-one health platform that allows you to monitor various health metrics including blood pressure. The application stands out for its ease of use and the wide variety of health functions it offers.

With iCare, you can monitor your blood pressure using just your smartphone’s sensor, eliminating the need for external devices. In addition, the application also allows you to record your heart rate, blood oxygen level, vision, hearing, lung capacity, among other aspects of health.

5 – Blood Pressure – SmartBP

Blood Pressure – SmartBP is a handy and robust application designed to help users keep track of their blood pressure readings effectively and efficiently. With the aim of making cardiovascular health more accessible, this app provides a number of useful features.

SmartBP allows you to record your blood pressure readings along with other vital data like heart rate and weight. These readings can be manually entered or imported directly from compatible healthcare devices, making the recording process simpler and more accurate.

Devices for measuring mean arterial pressure

In addition to applications, there are also specific devices available on the market designed to measure mean arterial pressure accurately and conveniently. These devices, which range from wrist monitors to arm devices, offer a convenient and reliable way to stay on top of your cardiovascular health. Let’s now get to know some of the most popular and reliable devices for measuring mean arterial pressure.

Average blood pressure


The sphygmomanometer is the device traditionally used by health professionals to measure blood pressure. It consists of an inflatable cuff that is placed around the upper arm, and a gauge that shows the pressure in the cuff. When the cuff is inflated, it compresses the brachial artery, temporarily blocking blood flow. As the cuff is slowly deflated, the healthcare professional listens with a stethoscope for the sounds of returning blood flow, allowing measurement of systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

The sphygmomanometer is known for its accuracy, making it the reference for measuring blood pressure. However, it requires proper training to ensure correct readings, and it is not as convenient for everyday home use as digital blood pressure monitors. Also, it does not provide the mean arterial pressure directly, which needs to be calculated from the systolic and diastolic readings.

Samsung Galaxy Watch

The Samsung Galaxy Watch is an example of a smartwatch that comes with a blood pressure monitoring feature. It uses optical sensors on the back of the watch to measure blood pressure, using photoplethysmography technology to detect changes in blood volume during each heartbeat.

To start using this functionality, you must first calibrate your watch with a traditional blood pressure monitor. Once calibrated, the watch can provide real-time blood pressure readings. Additionally, all readings can be synced to the Samsung Health app on your smartphone, allowing you to keep track of your readings over time.

Apple Watch

The Apple Watch is another popular smartwatch that has incorporated health and wellness features, including the ability to monitor blood pressure. Like the Samsung Galaxy Watch, the Apple Watch uses optical sensors on the back of the watch to measure blood pressure using photoplethysmography.

After initial calibration with a sphygmomanometer or other blood pressure monitor, Apple Watch can provide real-time blood pressure readings, making it a convenient tool for monitoring blood pressure throughout the day. Readings can be synced to the Apple Health app, allowing for easy tracking and analysis of your readings over time.

What are the risks of high blood pressure?

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a serious medical condition that can lead to serious complications if not managed properly. It occurs when the force of the blood against the walls of your arteries is consistently too high. Despite being a common condition, many people do not have visible symptoms, which has earned it the nickname “silent killer”. Here are some of the risks associated with high blood pressure:

  • Heart disease : High blood pressure can damage blood vessels and the heart, increasing your risk of heart disease and heart failure.
  • Stroke : High blood pressure can lead to narrowing and weakening of blood vessels in the brain, increasing the risk of stroke.
  • Kidney Disease : High blood pressure is one of the main causes of kidney disease as it can damage the blood vessels that supply blood to the kidneys.
  • Vision loss : High blood pressure can damage the blood vessels in the retina, leading to vision problems.
  • Sexual Dysfunction : High blood pressure can lead to erectile dysfunction in men and decreased libido in women due to reduced blood flow.
  • Memory and comprehension problems : High blood pressure over time can affect the brain’s ability to think, remember and learn, increasing the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

What is diastolic pressure?

Diastolic pressure is one of two numbers that make up a blood pressure reading. It is the lowest value recorded during the cardiac cycle, representing the pressure exerted on the arteries when the heart is relaxed between beats. It is usually the bottom number in a blood pressure reading, expressed in millimeters of mercury (mmHg). Diastolic pressure reflects the resistance of peripheral blood vessels and is an important indicator of cardiovascular health. It is important to keep diastolic pressure within normal ranges, as high levels can indicate health problems such as hypertension.

What is systolic pressure?

Systolic pressure is the other number that makes up a blood pressure reading. It is the highest value recorded during the cardiac cycle, representing the pressure exerted on the arteries when the heart contracts and pumps blood to the body. It is usually the top number in a blood pressure reading, expressed in millimeters of mercury (mmHg). Systolic pressure reflects how hard the heart is pumping blood and is an important indicator of cardiovascular health. Elevated systolic pressure values ​​can indicate health problems such as hypertension and require proper monitoring and care.

How to prevent high blood pressure?

Preventing high blood pressure is essential to maintaining good cardiovascular health. Here are some steps you can take to help prevent high blood pressure:

  • Adopt a healthy diet : Consume a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and low-fat dairy products. Avoid processed foods, rich in sodium and saturated fats;
  • Reduce Salt Consumption : Limit the amount of salt in your diet. Opt for natural seasonings and salt-free condiments to flavor your meals;
  • Maintain a healthy weight : Maintaining a healthy weight is important for preventing high blood pressure. If you are overweight, losing weight can help reduce blood pressure;
  • Exercise regularly : Aerobic exercise, such as walking, running, swimming or cycling, can help lower blood pressure. Try to do at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity a week;
  • Limit alcohol consumption : Excessive alcohol consumption can raise blood pressure. It is recommended to limit consumption to moderate amounts, such as up to one drink a day for women and up to two drinks a day for men;
  • Avoid smoking : Smoking can increase blood pressure and damage blood vessels. Quitting smoking is crucial for cardiovascular health;
  • Manage stress : Find healthy ways to deal with stress, such as practicing relaxation techniques, meditation, yoga or hobbies that bring you pleasure;
  • Get Regular Checkups : Get regular medical checkups to monitor your blood pressure and seek professional advice to prevent high blood pressure.

By adopting a healthy lifestyle and taking preventive measures, you can reduce your risk of developing high blood pressure and promote good cardiovascular health. Always consult a healthcare professional for personalized guidance.